Administration Guidance
Natroba™ can successfully treat head lice infestations with a single, 10-minute application—no nit combing required. However, if live lice are seen seven days after the first treatment, a second treatment should be applied.
Watch a clinician demonstrate the proper application technique.
Properly Applying Natroba™
- Use as much product as needed to completely cover the scalp first, and then apply outwards towards the ends of the hair.
- For very thick, medium-length or long hair, an entire bottle (120 mL) of Natroba™ may be needed to cover the scalp and hair. For shorter, thinner hair, less Natroba™ may be needed.
- If live lice are seen seven days (one week) after the first treatment, re-apply Natroba™.
Un proceso tan fácil como 1-2-3 para aplicar la suspención tópica Natroba™ correctamente.
Pasos Importantes: Pon fin al ciclo del piojo
- Cubra completamente el cuero cabelludo primero y luego aplique hacia afuera hacia las puntas del cabello. Es importante utilizar suficiente NatrobaTM suspensión tópica para cubrir todo el cuero cabelludo y todo el cabello.
- Para cabellos muy gruesos y de longitud media o cabellos largos, se puede necesitar una botella entera (120 ml) de NatrobaTM para cubrir el cuero cabelludo y el cabello. Es posible que se necesite menos NatrobaTM suspensión tópica para cabellos más cortos y finos.
- Una semana (7 días) después de su primer tratamiento, si se ven piojos vivos, repita el tratamiento otra vez.
Important: For topical use only on scalp and scalp hair. Do not get Natroba™ Topical Suspension in eyes, mouth, or vagina.
Adjunctive measures
Natroba™ Topical Suspension should be used in the context of an overall lice management program:
- Wash in hot water or dry-clean all recently worn clothing, hats, used bedding and towels
- Wash personal care items such as combs, brushes, and hair clips in hot water
- A fine-toothed comb or special nit comb may be used to remove dead lice and nits
- Natroba Prescribing Information.